DP062 is the tenth episode of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl : Battle Dimension, and it's dub title is Tanks For The Memories!. This episode will feature the Cafe Cabin from the games.It will air in two weeks time on June 21.
However, this weeks' episode is called Team Shocker and is the ninth episode of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl : Battle Dimension. It will feature the Solaceon Town Contest. It airs this Saturday, June 14.
Hello, I am the Turtwig Master and welcome to my blog page, PokéForest. At the PokéForest, all the latest news of the games, anime, movies, and TCG will be brought straight to you. Thank you for stopping by at the PokéForest.
Blog started 11th June 2008.
Time is usually in GMT or Pacific Time.
My favourite Pokemon are: Turtwig, Umbreon, Glaceon and Shaymin (both forms).