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This months CoroCoro has brought us alot of news about Platinum:
- Team Galactic have a bigger story in the game, 'Pursuit of Team Galactic!'
- Dialga and Plakia are both called by Cyrus
- The evil scientist with pink hair, works for Team Galactic
- This other new character, is good, and is trying to stop Team Galactic
- Giratina Origin Forme's ability is Levitate
- Shaymin Sky Forme's ability is Serene Grace
- Shaymin Sky Forme is dual GRASS/FLYING type, and can learn Air Slash
- Giratina will stay in it's Origin Forme in the Torn World, and Another Forme elsewhere. However, there is a way to keep it in its Origin Forme, but is currently unknown.
- It has been confirmed that there is indeed a Battle Frontier
- New Poffin game featuring a Swalot machine
- The Wi-Fi floor of the Pokemon Center has been extended
- The Wi-Fi Union Room can hold up to 20 friends
- Battles can be recorded using the Battle Recorder
- Global Trade Station (GTS) is now the Global Terminal, where you can do much more than trading
Finally, Pokemon Platinum will be released in Japan on September 13 2008.